
The Golden Sentence

Yesterday Steve Blampied and I enjoyed a glorious 82 minutes live stream with the JHM members about the central pillar of your business – your Golden Sentence.

It’s more than just a sentence, it’s a statement of intent that anchors your proposition, your avatar and your reason why.

It’s your business plan.

In case you missed it, your golden sentence takes this shape:

I help X to do Y so they can Z.

Here’s a summary of the stuff we learnt from your Golden Sentences:

👉 Don’t be vague
👉 Address your single client avatar
👉 Enter the conversation that’s going on in their head
👉 Within that, use emotive language
👉 Avoid framing solutions to problems that don’t exist
👉 Tell us exactly what we’ll get from working with you
👉 Make it clear why that matters

When you’ve nailed all that, be consistent.

Use the Golden Sentence to inform all your marketing, messaging, posts, articles and conversations.

If you missed the Golden Sentence livestream, here it is. 

Love you lots,


PS: Well done to Mark Deeks and Darryl Stewart who impressed the judges and scored a free registration to my Client Attraction Academy worth £997.

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